Kindness and Connection in the Community

Here are a few of our favourite stories and photos from a magical and meaningful year at Wellbean with the pay-it-forward community hub experiment. Here is a snippet of the positve impact we've witnessed and some of the lovely feedback people have shared...


The impact of our community classes has been really heart-warming to feel. People are so grateful to have a welcoming, non-judgmental space to connect on a deeper level with themselves and one another. It's been incredible to see individuals of all ages and backgrounds, nourishing not only their bodies with cost-effective delicious plant-based food, but also their minds, hearts, and souls. It really feels like a secular, inclusive haven where everyone is included and price doesn't have to be a barrier, when times are already so tough for so many people.

The community classes have really brought people together, breaking down barriers and fostering genuine connections within the community. People are so happy to get to meet their neighbors and new friends. Especially as its easy to feel lonely and overwhelmed in London.

For many, yoga and meditation were uncharted territories until they found their way here. Witnessing them embrace these life-altering practices and hearing how they permeate every aspect of their lives is incredible. Attendees range from university students to retired elders, from exhausted parents and everyone in between.

Many who join for yoga have shared that in the past they've often been curious about it, but found it to be expensive and intimidating, they're immensely grateful to have those barriers dismantled here.


The feedback has been that it has been a catalyst for deeper self-connection, stronger community bonds, and a sense of belonging. It equips people with practices to navigate life's challenges with grace. Life can be incredibly demanding, and it's heartening to see individuals tapping into their inner wisdom and resilience, feeling less isolated in the process. The prevailing sentiment we've heard is one of gratitude—for having a nurturing sanctuary, a second home to replenish their well-being, forge new friendships, acquire valuable skills, and support themselves and their loved ones, all without financial strain.

In our community classes, we've had the privilege of learning people's personal stories and witnessing how this place has become a refuge and sanctuary for them. There's a lady who joins us weekly, once a resident of a children's home who navigated the care system and dealt with significant trauma. She's now in the process of establishing a children's home in Newham. She comes here to replenish her sense of community and self-care. We're eager to collaborate more closely with her and her home, once it's up and running.

Then there's a young couple with a six-month-old baby. They take turns attending meditation and yoga classes, finding solace and sanity amidst the whirlwind of sleepless nights. What a gift for their child, to have both parents meditating and doing yoga.

Our classes have been a lifeline for many mothers in the community. They've shared that the hub has provided them a place to pause and recharge, enabling them to continue giving to their families without sacrificing their own well-being or financial stability. "I didn't realize I needed this so much, and I don't know what I'd do without it now!"

Recently, we've witnessed something truly remarkable. Regular attendees are not only benefiting personally, but also feeling called to pay it forward, offering classes and support to their local community. A local lady now leads meditation and yoga sessions for us, and an art/color therapist conducts arts and crafts classes. The Art class tends to attract people with additional needs (including learning difficulties, visual impairment and people recovering from PTSD). It has become one of our most joyful and popular community events.

Heart-warming story of an attendee

A few weeks ago, a 19-year-old student joined us for yoga. She seemed visibly stressed and anxious, and we took time to talk with her before and after the class. It turned out that she'd developed hives due to stress and anxiety. Her local pharmacist prescribed both medication and meditation, recommending our classes. She shared that this was the calmest and safest she'd felt in a long time. We later discovered that the pharmacist himself attends our Friday night meditation sessions. A beautiful positive ripple effect.

Some of our most cherished events have created significant positive ripples in our community: Packages of Hope For the Homeless, our Earth Day celebration, Karma Kitchen and World Peace Day event. It was so wonderful that we managed to partner with Cafe Spice Namaste (across the bridge) for Karma Kitchen, quite literally building bridges between local partnerships and the community. Such a beautiful event, for the community by the community. The positive ripples from that event were endless. One of the local ladies that regularly attends yoga Suzie, signed up to volunteer and was it inspired her to start her own community pop-up resturant project with her Grandma’s recipes.

Deepest gratitude to our Crowdfunder Supporters for making a year of this project possible, most of our class attendees consider the sessions a free/gift or pay forward a couple of pounds. So these classes and events act as a gift to the community. And a big thank you to our local happiness teachers for all of their love, skills, support, time, care and magic, who have shown incredible leadership and community building skills. It has been so heart-warming to see the community engagement in the local complex, people now know their neighbours, and it has also had positve ripples for Newham and Greater London when people have traveled in from far and wide for the larger events.

A big thank you to everybody involved for a magical year at the community hub :)


Returning to Love