Thank you for supporting our Crowdfunder!

We just want to say a big BIG thank-you to everyone who’s supported our Crowdfunder over the last few weeks, either through donations or by sharing the campaign with others. 

We knew that it would be a risk, to launch a campaign just before Christmas, during a Cost of Living crisis.

But we also knew that there’s a huge need for a community space where people feel safe and inspired enough to look after their mental health with more kindness and compassion, in a way which is financially accessible to all who need it.

Hands illustration, holding the earth, with yellow Thank You and pink background

Because, while other low/no cost services are available in London, many need referrals, are over-subscribed, or feel unattractive to people who aren’t yet ready to acknowledge that they need support. 

The Museum attracts people who are drawn by the idea of being happier (and hey, who doesn’t want to be happier?) There’s no stigma associated with coming to our events, so we reach people who wouldn’t dream of asking for help.

Talking about happiness then permits us to discuss what's making someone UNhappy. It allows us to connect with people who other services may miss, as well as offering a warm and welcoming invitation to those who recognise that they may benefit from well-being support.

So we're delighted to say that, with your help, we raised £22,927! We feel so honoured and grateful to receive such support.

Due to your kindness, we'll start offering regular donation-based, pay-it-forward wellbeing classes and sessions as soon as our space at the Well Bean Co Café is complete. 

Myself and the team have been moved to tears on multiple occasions by the love, support, kindness and generosity and all of the heart-warming comments.

With a deep bow of gratitude,

Vicky Johnson x

If you’ve yet to donate, our Crowdfunder is still accepting donations and match funding from The Co-Op can still double your donation.

Vicky x


Spreading Happiness in Schools


Sharing Packages of Hope at Christmas